Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It is 6 in the morning right now and I am unable to close my eyes. I have been battling a mosquito all night and the itching and scratching has ceased to stop. I could get ready now or I could awaken myself and slowely get myself together. I think I will get up. Ugh.... my floor is wet with water and if im not careful enough I might slip, fall, and risk getting injured before I even take off. Scattered around my room, hanging on a light, curtains, and my ac, are my clothes that I washed the night before. Little did I think that they would drip drip drip and the water would slosh slosh slosh all over my room. As I turn on my lights, I see that the room is flooded but at least the shirts are dry.

I walk out of my gated house with some wet clothes on. They were the ones that were unable to dry the night before. I turn my head to the right and luckily there is a tax driver who notices my face. His face quickly gets extremely excited and a smile rises from him. "Sous s'day" I tell the gentleman. "Do You know the okay house?" He looks at me with a look of uncertainty and confusion. His english is non-existent and the okay house, said 5 more times, does not ring a bell. So, instead I tell him to drop me off at the biggest hotel in Cambodia which is a 5 minute walk to where I need to go anyway.

Phnom Penh is very nice in the morning. The sun is not fully up and the air is nice and cool for a change. Since the city is laden with shadows and some darkness it can even be difficult to notice the smog and pollution that usually fills ones view and face. The city gives off a calmming feeling that no other part of the day can achieve. There are less people on the road and most people appear too tired to even honk their horns. As the wind blows through my hair I am awakened and refreshed as I zoom through the streets of Phnom Penh on the back of a moto equipped with my camera and packpack. Some boulevards, some paved, some dirt roads, and some bumpy.

It was only a 50 minute flight and I arrive in Thailand. The airport looks deserted for the most part. There are seldom seen any planes and most of the docking stations are empty. The airport is new but does not give off that vibe. It appears cold, dark, and damp. It is a great steel and concrete structure that resembles the opera house in Sydney, but a thousand times bigger. Even with the few planes in the airport, we still have to get off on the tarmak and take a bus. The bus ride takes about 10 minutes, then immigration, then exit the terminal just to re-check in for my plane that departs in about 4 hours. As I enter the main terminal I am thrust back into the modern world. I see electronics, technology, food stands, and cleanliness. I see advertisements, commercials, and capitalism. It is a wonderful feeling. The western world is upon me. The airport more resembles a gourmet market and luxurty shopping mall inside. It is filled with many wonderful shops and restaurants that are tempting me at every corner. I resist the initial temptation to eat and hold off until I get my new ticket and enter the terminal.

I go through the airport security with littlemore than a wave through. No x-ray, no metal detector. If only the US flights could be this easy. Then, I walk down some flights of stairs into a tunnel that leads to my flight. Once again the airport has taken on the cold feeling in my body as the dimly lit corridors lead me to my destination.

Along the way there is a wonderful food station. I get a pre paid card to get food and drinks for 500 baht. Its about 35 to the dollar, you can do the math. I get sushi. Something I have not had for a very long time. I have lived long enough on rice and vegetables. I am on vacation and deserve to indulge a little bit. It is quite delicious and the tastes appear to excite my taste buds and awaken them from the somber sleep they have been experiencing over the past 3 months.

The lounge is very quant and it has internet which is extremely important for such a long layover. It gives me the chance to sit back, relax, and plan what beach I will stay at and look for some nice budget accomodations, after all, I am backpacking and what would be the fun if everything was planned and there was no uncertainty ahead?